Friday, April 22, 2011

More Than An Absent Mind

This recent generation has certainly made my calling more challenging in some ways, but in others so much simpler.  I cannot tell you what my real name is, but I have been known by many names over time.   I cannot decide which is my favorite, perhaps "Imp".  Imp is a simple yet pleasant sounding name.   Much better than Menehune, Leprechaun, Fairy or the dozens of other names that have been used for such as I.  I have heard the stories and seen the images some have created to explain us, they are just imagination.  By irrevocable law we must remain elusive and invisible.  The children must never see or hear us in order for the test to be successful.

The test is the reason. The purpose of the time here.  Most do not realize it, for all are still children.  Sometimes your little ones seem to have a better grasp on what they are to accomplish.  It is sad to watch as you mature, you become confused as to who you are and why you are here.  There are "others" here who are determined to distract and confuse.  You agreed to the test.   Many preparations were made.  It is not like the tests in your schools.  You are examined on your knowledge but also on your responses.  Your responses to adversity. That is where I come in, Adversity 101.  Knowledge is a different department.

There are many of us here.  We each have a specialty, although we are all bound by the same rules.  When we create an adversity we must document the response immediately and then continue to monitor the rippling effects that are caused.  The adversities that we create are simple to track the purpose is known but the ones that you children create are difficult because many times purpose is lacking and they are the result of influence from the "others" who are trying to create chaos that will lead to failure of the test.  Unfortunately they are a very large and difficult group, but necessary to the whole test.  I mean, how can you have a test if there are no wrong answers. We have very simple guidelines.  We are never to give an adversity that the children are not able to handle.  We must understand that some adversities are given to strengthen the children for the future.  Help is only given when it is asked for.  We do not give grades but there are rewards for making the correct response.

I work in the minor test department.  I guess it is somewhat like the pop quiz that you have in your schools.   I work on the small day to day tests.  You children do not even realize that these small events are tests. For instance, I might hide the right shoe or left sock.  It may seem like that is not much of a test, but there are many variables that can make it a real test such as, stress levels, degree of happiness, and time restraints.  These can all have very serious effects on the response given.  I have witnessed little ones suffer fear and serious damage to their self esteem when their caretaker's response is rage over a lost shoe.  I have even witnessed some little ones being physically hurt!  A most distressing part of my calling!

There are documented many good responses too.  The "others" are not as successful as many in the world would have you believe.  Just today, a young mother was searching for an important document she needed that would save her struggling family a lot of money. She was frantically searching her home for the "missing" document.  I do not limit my tests to only shoes and socks.  I cannot say where it was, trade secrets and all, but her response was a joy to observe!  In tears, she dropped to her knees and with all sincerity asked Father for help.  At times like this there is a special light  that we can actually see.  It is glorious to behold!   Her need was so great that Father gave special permission for immediate help.  As she knelt there, with head bowed, I silently put the needed document next to her hand, sticking out of the sofa cushion.  I can be very stealthy when it is needed.   Imagine her response when she opened her eyes and saw the document right there!  She again "gave light" that brought joy to all our hearts and actually warmed the world, as she immediately acknowledged Father's help and gave thanks to Him.

Obviously her car keys will have to be returned before tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Doug Welch said...
Where has all this talent been hidden and how did I not know it was there these 34 years? Excellent story. Thanks.

Anonymous said...
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